Combating Anxiety and Depression Using Creative Visualization and Positive Future Modelling

Nish Patel
July 2021

Over 300 million individuals worldwide are thought to be suffering from depression, and over 284 million people face anxiety disorders globally. That accounts for a large prevalence all over the world. What is even more concerning to know that, unlike other physical illnesses that have certain countable consequences, the effects of these mental health conditions, if not treated, can be life-threatening. For example, if depression is not given the right treatment in due course of time can give rise to suicidal behavior, which ultimately leads to suicide. 

Therefore, combating anxiety and depression stands to be among the most important concerns we face in today’s world. Finding the right treatment that corresponds to the individual’s state and shows better signs should be the topmost priority of healthcare professionals and sectors across the globe, so we tackle this mental health crisis. 

Triggers of Anxiety and Depression

Firstly, we need to know what triggers anxiety and depression so we can dive deep into the details and search into the implications it has to tell us. Some of the triggers of anxiety and depression are as under:

  1. Chronic or acute illness
  2. Death or illness of a loved one
  3. Loss of a job
  4. Financial deficit
  5. Family problems, the feud
  6. Parenting problems, abuse, emotional neglect
  7. Sexual abuse, harassment, rape
  8. A traumatic event, violence
  9. Relationship problems, abusive partner
  10. Failure in career or studies
  11. Business loss
  12. Job stress 

These are some of the common factors that prove to be triggers for anxiety and depression. However, the reason may vary from individual to individual depending upon different matters such as age, gender, area, ethnicity, financial background, IQ and EQ, and other factors such as the overwhelming burden of tasks assigned with little time left. Whatever these triggers are, the symptoms of anxiety and depression that get triggered are known to affect the quality of life in one way or the other. 

Some might experience nausea and vomiting from heightened stress and anxiety, while some may feel extra sleepy on days they are having depressive episodes. The symptoms might also be the opposite for individuals – for example, some people begin binge-eating when they are depressed, while some are likely to lose their appetite. 

Candle Burning Visualization

The candle visualization relaxation technique is a guided imagery script in which you imagine relaxing as you look at a candle. You can choose to relax your mind and body as you focus on the candle. 

To start the candle visualization relaxation, you need to find a comfortable place to start with. Take note of how your body feels. Try to take a deep breath and when you exhale, notice where the body feels tense. 

Focus on the areas when you take the other breath. As you breathe out, allow the tension to flow out with it. Inhale when you raise the shoulders and relax on exhaling. Lower the shoulders in a relaxed position. Try breathing smoothly and gently when you do the candle visualization relaxation. 

When you rest peacefully, start forming an image in the mind. Imagine you are present in a comfortable room which is relaxing and dark. Now, imagine a candle glowing beside you. Keep your focus towards the forward scene when you take note of the soothing flickers of the warm light on your wall in the front scene. Now, see the dancing light which is coming from the candle. 

How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

Hypnotherapy is not today's discovery in psychology. Sigmund Freud had deeply investigated its positive impact on one's mind and got to know how this technique could be helpful in resolving complex issues such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Let's see how creative visualization and positive future modeling are helpful in the creation of a better world inside the mind of the one affected by the one facing anxiety or depression. 

Creative Visualization

Visualization is a type of guided meditation technique in which an individual is required to use the inner eye, the eye of the mind, to pave the way for the creative process. This helps humans to use creativity and imagine things their minds are focusing on. Psychologists help individuals use this technique to harness positive thoughts and instill a growth mindset by encouraging them to think about positive things happening for them. So, when a person with anxiety or depression comes to them, they all have one thing in common – an anticipation of a negative outcome. This frame is remodeled using this technique by bringing the focus of the mind to one place and then using the mind's full strength to draw a positive picture in mind. 

Candle burning technique, apple technique, and others are some of the ways through which this technique is practiced and emphasized until the individual is able to process positive things happening in life. When this practice is reinforced time, and again, it becomes easier for the individual to imagine a world where there are no negatives anymore. For example, if a person with anticipatory anxiety has a persistent negative image in mind about a certain element in their life, creative visualization can help them cope with those bitter feelings that upset them. This would help them calm their mind and bring their focus to the present. As said before, the process of visualization branches out from meditation. So, when a person is practicing this skill regularly, they are also taking the benefit that comes with practicing meditation – the mind gets more focused and alert, there is increased mental clarity, there is an overall improvement in the way the mind processes and tackles the incoming thoughts. 

Positive Future Modelling 

The conventional hypnosis technique, as demonstrated by Freud, calls for driving an individual into a patterned, well-arranged, and systematic hypnotic state where they are able to chant their inner thoughts without the awakened sense of "ego." Positive future modeling is an innovation to this exercise where an individual enters the trance-like state similar to that of traditional hypnosis, only to be exercised into imagining a brighter and more positive future life. This helps in readjusting the mental framework at the subconscious level, which helps individuals get a hope to live their best. Therefore, we can find its positive implications in treating depression where people tend to lose hope and get negative frameworks fixated in their minds. 

The idea is to empower the mind at the subconscious level into thinking a positive outcome can be achieved without facing detrimental consequences. This comes as an application of positive psychology which believes that correction of mental frameworks can help resolve certain issues that can help us get to the stage we want to reach. Positive future modeling, when practiced regularly, might help in deconstructing the old patterns we tend to build in ourselves that give rise to anxiety and depression. To counter that, we take the help of positive future modeling, which helps to reconstruct and see things for what they are, how positive they can turn into, not how dark our minds tell us they are otherwise. 

With the help of professionals, you too can get help from positive future modeling that would help you to gain a more positive insight into the future. That would help you not only calm the storms inside but also help in building a positive outlook for the future to see. If you think there is more advice needed in that manner, feel free to consult with your healthcare provider to know more. Also, take your time to do more research on the topic and see how it applies to you so you can help get a better view of the story. 

Final Word

As you can see, anxiety and depression are some of the most prevalent mental health conditions that should not be ignored. Once noticed, they need to be tackled effectively immediately so the adverse signs can be stopped right at hand and they don't get in the way of the life you deserve to live. Consult with a healthcare professional, seek out emotional support from those you can trust, find resources that might help you, and talk about different techniques such as creative visualization and positive future modeling that might help you to manage your anxiety or depression. 

While it may seem too difficult to handle, it is never too late for hope to come through your life. You can still choose to live with happiness and positivity if you decide to take the first step. By reading this, know that you had the willpower to take that step. We hope you don't lose this strength and continue reaching out more to find a new ray of hope. If you are here just for knowledge, help spread awareness about the possible managing solutions to a loved one you think might need it. 

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