We care about your health and wellness and because of that we are concious supplement producers. By using scientific research journals, we’ve handpicked the very best and cleanest ingredients, without all the nasty uneccesary additionals stuff that you’ll find in other vegan supplements, making it fully
Good stuff only 🌿
We make sure all our supplements include only the good stuff and ingredients that are needed and which are as natural as possible.
On top of that, Direct Vitality products are ethically sourced, using only vegan ingredients and do not use any anti-caking agents, artificial colours or preservatives. 🤮
Here’s a direct comparison of the number of ingredients used by a competitor brands for ‘Vegan Collagen’ vs the Direct Vitality Vegan Collagen.
Comparision based on a single vegan collagen supplement sold in holland & barrett.
Our science driven approach allows us to deliver the most optimum formulas and best ingredient packed supplements. Have a read of some of the key important ingredients below and their health benefits!
Browse our supplement ranges by clicking the “shop now”
button below 👇🏽