In the past, it was believed that a plant-based diet was only for people who march through streets chanting “meat is murder”. Fortunately, due to advent of precise technology accompanying relevant research into the field of nutrition, the myth has been relatively busted. However, there are still a large amount of people that believe one cannot build and maintain lean muscle through a vegan diet or that a purely vegan diet may deprive you of important nutrients. I am here to tell you the exact opposite! In fact, not only is a diet rich in vegetables healthy for you, it does not have to leave you nutrient depleted at all!
An important advantage of a plant-based diet that is often missed is that it is extremely compatible with fitness regiments. A main course centered on meat can often feel too heavy on the stomach instead of making you feel full. Satiety is an important component of maintaining a healthy relationship with food, but it does not have to make you feel bloated or stuffed to the point where you just can move. Some easily available vegetables like potatoes and whole-grains can help keep you full and healthy. Not only will vegetables with a high satiety index keep you full for longer, they will also make you feel lighter and even more determined to achieve your fitness goals.
One of the surest ways to build a lean and strong body is through working out regularly. It is extremely important to work on your physical fitness through high intensity training if you want to achieve a lean muscular body. Joining a gym or fitness center can be the best thing for you if you find it hard to work-out at home by yourself. Never give up on your goal and make sure you find a routine that works for you.
Eating healthy is part of a lifestyle. It is only possible to be consistently building lean muscle mass if you’re consistent with your dietary habits. An easy way to avoid burn-out is by ensuring variety in your food. Explore various vegetables available along with different cuisines. Incorporating seasonal fruit to make your meals more appetizing is always a great option. Easy fix desserts to have with lunch or dinner can boost morale and help you achieve a lean muscular body.
Keeping track of your body is a sure way of achieving your lean body goal. It is easy to get stagnant and slack-off if you do not regularly keep check of your physical fitness as well as the food you’re consuming. Gaining or losing some numbers on the weighing machine is completely fine, but it is definitely better to know when to get back into routine so that you don’t have to start from square one. Getting a fitness watch can be really helpful in keeping track of your steps, heart-rate and pulse. Especially for individuals with hypertension or diabetes, such technology can propel you towards a leaner body and a healthier life.
Choosing healthy plant-based food is one if the best things to do for your body. It is very easy to eat less than you should because plant-based can be very hectic to keep up with, but they don’t have to be! A fool-proof way to avoid chaos is to plan ahead and set meal-plans or simple outlines according to the availability of food items. Some easily available food items can be added to different cuisines such as chickpeas and kidney beans in salads or even curries. Kidney beans are extremely nutritious with very high levels of iron and magnesium. Sweet potatoes contain large amounts of Vitamin A along with Vitamin C and iron; they can be incorporated into meals or taken as a snack on the go. It is always a good idea to incorporate specific alarms to remind you of your next meal so that your body does not shed muscle instead of becoming lean and strong.
Incorporating low-intensity routine movement can help increase flexibility. Simple activities like light jogging and cycling can go a long way if you’re consistent. Not only are these exercises extremely healthy, they can help keep you lean. While it may be difficult to complete high-intensity training every single day it is often possible to take time out for a fixed routine run or to cycle around the block. Some activities can specifically build a stronger, leaner body such as: walking at least ten thousand steps per day, jumping rope, burpees and lat rows.
A great tip for those who want to build a lean muscular body through a plant based diet is to eat more so that your body does not experience a calorie deficit. It is important to make sure your calorie count is appropriate and according to BMI. It is wise to have a quick conversation with your nutritionist to determine the ideal calorie count according to your height, weight and age.
Above are some simple techniques to achieve a lean muscular body through a clean, healthy and plant-based diet. Incorporating simple things into your lifestyle can benefit you in the longer-run. Remember, healthier bodies make happier individuals!